Monday, July 11, 2011

Reaping Where They Have Not Sown

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.Galations 6:7
This morning I got a revelation that there are some people trying to reap where they have not sown. They are trying to eat the harvest and fruits of a field where they have not sown, mainly because their fields are barren and skimpy, and the other field just looks ripe, plentiful, and full. Watch and pray in this season. This is not the blessing that God promised, this is of the enemy trying to steal, sabotage, defraud, and pretend they have been working. Trying to live off your harvest. If you see people trying to steal the fruits of your harvest, Rebuke them! Send them back to their field to eat the fruits of whatever seeds they have sown.

And for us, we cannot expect a harvest if we have NOT SOWN. When harvest time comes, if you have not sown, or tended to your field what harvest do you expect? Be mindful, careful, and proactive. Sow good seeds NOW. Sow on the level and with the expectation of the type of harvest you want to come. These are not just seeds of money in or to church or a ministry, these are seeds in time, words, deeds, thoughts, ideas, habits, and actions. Seeds that affect all areas of your life - spiritual, social, financial, mental, familial, educational, etc. Do not be jealous, envious, or frustrated with another man’s field or harvest (Awards, accolades, promotions, debt cancellations, home recovery, good marriage, successful children, loving family and friends, successful business, graduating with honors, revelation, word, looks, talents, blessings, etc). God has given you the seed and tools to make your field great. With whatever you have, sow and do it diligently and with joy. Knowing your harvest will be GREAT! It’s not too late, the earth is continuously bringing forth fruit, sow!

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