Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Weekly Challenge 5


This week's challenge (Week of 12/03/2012) is Request to be a Blessing.

This week we want to challenge you to pray and ask God how can you bless a neighbor, loved one, or stranger. As we were encouraged to be sensitive to God's voice by first recognizing, hearing, then following His voice, we encourage you to do the same. 

Say this simple prayer:
Lord, lay someone on my heart and mind that I can bless. How can I be a blessing to the household of (the person God lays on your heart and mind).
Then hear and obey!

We'd love to hear your testimonies! Tell us how the weekly challenges are blessing you and others. Email us at h23email@gmail.com or post on our page, www.facebook.com/H23LivingEverydayLife

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Lessons from Saul

Reading Reference 1st Samuel 9

Typically when most people preach or teach about Saul they only tell half the story. They start from where he messed up and speak of his erratic violent behavior towards David. He is branded as the King who was rejected by God. But most people forget that Saul was once accepted by God. As a matter of fact, he was chosen by God.    

First Samuel chapter 9 tells the story of how God strategically selected Saul to be King over Israel. There are so many profound and important messages hidden when you read Saul’s process to power. There are some key things we can learn from him.

1. Don’t despise the job you were called to do.
Saul was sent to look for asses. That’s right. Donkeys! Stubborn, stinky, but necessary beings. Two were lost and he and one of his father’s servants were sent to go find them. (1Sam 9:3-4). Saul became frustrated on the journey because they spent three days climbing mountains and covering rugged terrain to look for donkeys – menial, replaceable, obstinate donkeys! Many of you feel the same way about your job or the task you have been set to do. You may feel like what you’ve been called to do is like chasing and tending to the donkeys. However, his obedience to such a tedious and seemingly unimportant task was a set up for a greater purpose.  Be faithful to the job you were given – a mother, student, peacemaker, friend, teacher, social worker, juvenile worker, waitress, janitor, accountant, executive, case manager, nursing assistant, manager, sewer worker, whatever the task that has been given to you – DO IT!

2. On your journey, check your teammates.
We often hear this but rarely heed to it. It is so important that we pay attention to who we take with us on our journey. The wrong person can sabotage progress (Akin and Joshua) or prevent you from getting to where you need to be in the time God ordained. Make sure the people on your team bring something to the table – knowledge, faithfulness, resources, connections, an ear - something. Had the servant been a lazy, selfish servant, he would not have urged Saul to press to the next city.  He had knowledge that that city had a man of God and he knew enough to encourage Saul to see him so he could show them the way. Not only did he have knowledge and a good idea, he had the provision to support the idea. In the passage, Saul was like great idea, but we have nothing to give him if we go see him. His servants said, “I do.” We need to ask God to give us people or empower the people in our spheres of influence, to not just “give suggestions” and the if “I were you” speeches, but ask God for people that have good ideas and the provision,  knowledge, and substance to make it stick.  

3. Be willing to sacrifice something to find your way.
Saul and the servant knew they could not go to the man of God empty handed. They looked for what they had knowing they were going to give it away (1Sam 9:7-8). Think about it. They were three days away from home. That’s food, lodging, and incidentals they had already paid for and needed to get back home. But they stayed faithful to the work they were sent to do and they sacrificed what they had in order to find their way. They understood that finding the right path would yield what they needed. What are you willing to sacrifice to get on the right path? Is it a habit? A person?  A thing? A status? A reputation? A comfort zone? Pride? Look within yourself, you have enough to give to find your way.

4. God will put you on the hearts and minds of people who will bless you.
Three days looking for donkeys and on the second day God told the Prophet Samuel that Saul was coming (1Sam 9:15-16). Samuel didn’t know his name, or what he looked like, but he knew his purpose and what God had told him to look for. Someone is anointed with the power and authority to bless you and take you to the next level. But they won’t be able to recognize you unless you stay faithful to the first task given to you. Had Saul gave up on day two, or turned around on day three his date with destiny would not have occurred. Samuel set aside a portion, a large portion in expectation of Saul’s arrival. There is a portion set aside just for you. Someone is expecting your arrival. If you would just go and finish the task, there is an anointing and kingly blessing waiting for you.

5. God didn’t ask for your resume or background check before he qualified and justified you.
When Samuel told Saul who he was and what he was going to do, Saul’s first response was, “ do you know where I’m from, and who I am, why are you talking to me like this, why are you expecting this from me?” (1Sam 9:21-24) Who asked you about your background or reference? Nobody. At some point what has been promised to you is going to manifest itself and either you are going to see God’s blessing for what it is or you are going to waste time telling yourself how unworthy and unprepared you are to partake in what has been set aside for YOU. 

Steady your heart and hand. God knew and still knows what his plan is for you. But like Saul, you have to embrace your true work. Let go of the ideas of how things are supposed to go and what success is. Do the donkey mission and do it well. God will call you up to the mountain and crown you king in time.  

More can be found at www.h23livingeverydaylife.blogspot.com

Project 5001 Weekly Challenge 4


This week's challenge (Week of 11/26/2012) is Stock the Jubilee Store for Homeless Families

This the last week to focus on stocking
 Jubilee Store at The Charlotte Family Housing Center (CFHC) in Charlotte, North Carolina. We need your help in stocking this store with items from the Jubilee wishlist. Please consider donating an item or two for this most worthy endeavor. Deadline is December 2, 2012.


  • Mail an unwrapped gift or gift card (from "Wish List" below) to the center:
         Charlotte Family Housing, 300 Hawthorne Lane, 3rd Floor, Charlotte, NC 28204 

  • Deliver an unwrapped gift (from "Wish List" below) locally:
         Myers Park United Methodist Church
         501 Queens Road, Charlotte

  • Make a donation to Project 5001 and we will purchase gifts from the "Wish List".

                                DONATE TO PROJECT 5001


Monday, November 19, 2012

Project 5001 Weekly Challenge 3


This week's challenge (Week of 11/19/2012) is Stock the Jubilee Store for Homeless Families

This week we focus on stocking
 Jubilee Store at The Charlotte Family Housing Center (CFHC) in Charlotte, North Carolina. We need your help in stocking this store with items from the Jubilee wishlist. Please consider donating an item or two for this most worthy endeavor. Deadline is December 2, 2012.


  • Mail an unwrapped gift or gift card (from "Wish List" below) to the center:
         Charlotte Family Housing          300 Hawthorne Lane, 3rd Floor         Charlotte, NC 28204 

  • Deliver an unwrapped gift (from "Wish List" below) locally:
         Myers Park United Methodist Church
         501 Queens Road, Charlotte

  • Make a donation to Project 5001 and we will purchase gifts from the "Wish List".

                                DONATE TO PROJECT 5001


Monday, November 12, 2012

Project 5001 Weekly Challenge 2


This week's challenge (Week of 11/12/2012) is Share a Meal

This week when you eat lunch or dinner, fix an extra plate or buy an an extra meal and share it with someone in need. The person can be homeless or simply in need or deserving of a kind gesture. This week, give someone the meal, you and your family would eat.

Jesus said, "... Inasmuch as ye have done [it] unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done [it] unto me." - Matthew 25:40    

Share on Facebook or Twitter

Last week's challenge, Dollar Store 10. See details here.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Weekly Challenge 1


This week's challenge (Week of 11/5/2012) is the Dollar Store 10

Visit a Dollar Tree or any dollar store. Collect 10 items and create toiletry and/or snack bags for someone in need. For example, toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, thermal socks, gloves, skull cap, cough drops, wipes, hand sanitizer, etc. Bag them in a zip lock or toiletry bag and share them with someone in need. Create on large bag or break them into smaller bags.

Jesus said, "... Inasmuch as ye have done [it] unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done [it] unto me." - Matthew 25:40    

Share on Facebook or Twitter

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Help Us Bless Families This Christmas

Project 5001 is working with The Charlotte Family Housing Center (CFHC) in Charlotte, North Carolina to bless families this Christmas. CFHC has created the Jubilee Store which allows families housed there to be able to shop for hoilday gifts that were donated by generous people throughout the community. We need your help in stocking this store with items from the Jubilee wishlist. Please consider donating an item or two for this most worthy endeavor. 


  • Mail an unwrapped gift or gift card (from "Wish List" below) to the center:
         Charlotte Family Housing          300 Hawthorne Lane, 3rd Floor         Charlotte, NC 28204 

  • Deliver an unwrapped gift (from "Wish List" below) locally:
         Myers Park United Methodist Church
         501 Queens Road, Charlotte

  • Make a donation to Project 5001 and we will purchase gifts from the "Wish List".

                                DONATE TO PROJECT 5001



Jubilee Wish List

General Items:

  • Dress up accessories for girls       
  • Novi Stars Scented Dolls     
  • iPod Shule or MP3 player (under $50)    
  • Costume jewelry for
    teenage girl
  • Make-up for teenage girl  
  • Panthers gear for teenage boy
    (under $50)
  • Axe gift set     
  • Football     
  • Basketball     
  • Wii game     
  • Nintendo game     
  • Gift card to Target, WalMart, 
    Forever 21, sports store, Bath & 
    Body Works ($25 or less)

DEADLINE is December 2nd. Email us at h23email@gmail.com for questions. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Project 5001

Project 5001 is a service campaign 
designed to answer the needs of the people. 
Jesus fed 5000, we can do more. 
He has given us the power to do it!

FEED        CLOTHE         EMPOWER         SERVE

We started Project 5001 under the mandate that, "greater things you shall do." Jesus told the disciples that He gave them to the power to do more. We have not only a mandate but the power to do more. Whether we feed, clothe, empower, or serve our goal is to push ourselves and each to do more. 

Stay posted for opportunities to serve and help. Email us if for questions or details, H23email@gmail.com

If you or your organization would like to support Project 5001, click the donate button below and your gift will help us meet the needs of the people.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Don't Miss The Shift

The word selah in biblical terms means pause or silence. Many have expounded that it also means to meditate and think solemnly. But the word selah also means to shift. In musical terms selah was a direction to uplift and accentuate, change the tempo. During a bible study with a spiritual mentor, Minister Kathie Coker, she highlighted the fact that if you pay attention to the Psalms of David, before the selah, David is in a certain place. Then after the  selah his words change.

Take Psalms 3 for example:
Psa 3:1  [[A Psalm of David, when he fled from Absalom his son.]] LORD, how are they increased that trouble me! many [are] they that rise up against me.
Psa 3:2  Many [there be] which say of my soul, [There is] no help for him in God. Selah.
Psa 3:3  But thou, O LORD, [art] a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.
Psa 3:4  I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah.
Psa 3:5  I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me.
Psa 3:6  I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, that have set [themselves] against me round about.
Psa 3:7  Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God: for thou hast smitten all mine enemies [upon] the cheek bone; thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly.
Psa 3:8 Salvation [belongeth] unto the LORD: thy blessing [is] upon thy people. Selah.

In verses 1-3, David was focused on his troubles; under the circumstances, understandably so. He was being chased out of his Kingdom by his ego-driven, spoiled son. He is the same son who raped his own sister and defiled David’s honor as a king. Yet this reckless son inspired such fear in King David’s heart that he was fleeing from his kingdom. He then began to address the problem.

Then in verses 3 and 4, he pauses and shifts his song. He begins to sing about the solution. He first reminded himself of what God is, contrary to the problems that stand against him. God is a shield, God lifts his head, God sustains him. He remembered his God and the many ways he has saved him from men after his life and praised him from that place.

Don’t stay stuck in the downbeat, SHIFT to the upbeat, to the accent. Remember your God and the great things He has done for you. At this point in your life, like David, you can identify where God has shielded, lifted, and sustained you. Shift your thinking and mindset. Focus on the victory.

Find more at www.H23LivingEverydayLife.blogspot.com. Listen to our weekly radio show at www.blgtalkradio.com/H23LivingEverydayLife.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Make Your Way Back - Adrianne Jackson

Then when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father have enough food, and [even food] to spare, but I am perishing (dying) here of hunger! I will get up and go to my father, and I will say to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight.   I am no longer worthy to be called your son; [just] make me like one of your hired servants.  So he got up and came to his [own] father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was moved with pity and tenderness [for him]; and he ran and embraced him and kissed him [fervently]. - Luke 15:17-19 (Amplified Bible)
You have heard the story of the prodigal son. He wanted to go and see what the world had to offer so he asked his father for his inheritance before his father died. So he went out and partied and did all he could and then everything ran low and he was still empty and alone and doing much worse than he was when he was in his father's house. We are often just like the son. We ask God for His promises right now. We ask God for the mates we want to be the one, the great job that looks good on paper, all the other things that will make us feel good right now,  even though we aren't ready for them.

Sometimes in God's permissive will He says ok. He gives us exactly what we ask for. He gives us the man that treats us like a second class citizen. He gives you the woman who only wants to use you for your money. He gives us the car we really can't afford. He gives us everything we ask for even when we aren't ready because He needs to prove a point.

And when we get in the midst of that mess and things are falling down all around us we see that if we had waited on God we would have been much better off. When we do make the decision to go back we are better than before. We patiently wait for HIS choice because we've already experienced the results of making our own choices. This conviction is usually found in the midst of whatever the mess is that we got ourselves into.

Today make your way back to the Lord.  Let your pride go and get in the presence of God. Repent for wanting your will and not His. For moving ahead of His timing. He is waiting for you with open arms. Ready to embrace you, as you embrace His good and perfect will for your life. 

God loves you and so do I, and there is NOTHING you can do about it. 
Adrianne -
*Adrianne Jackson writes for Prophetic Writer   

Monday, June 11, 2012

Do Something This Summer

We are challenging our listeners and community to DO SOMETHING this summer!

Jesus said, "... Inasmuch as ye have done [it] unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done [it] unto me." - Matthew 25:40 

This summer we want you to find a person, group, or cause and put your hands to the plow. Feed some one, clothe someone, read to someone, encourage someone, sit with someone, clean for someone, give to someone, mentor someone, give someone a break, treat someone with kindness and respect.

Volunteer at a shelter, hospital, nursing home, animal shelter, salvation army, church, your neighborhood, or within your family. Whatever you do, DO SOMETHING for the least of these.
We want the world to see the light shining even in the dark places, to bring the Kingdom of Heaven closer to the world. God wants to use YOU! Let him use you this summer.

We are looking forward to hearing the testimonies. Send us your stories H23email@gmail.com. Post your pics on our facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/H23LivingEverydayLife

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Power versus Authority

Mat 7:28  
And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine: 

Mat 7:29  
For he taught them as [one] having authority, and not as the scribes. 

Power is the ability to do or act; the capability of doing or accomplishing something; strength; might; or force.

Authority is power of choice; the liberty of doing as one pleases; the ability or strength with which one is endued which he either possesses or exercises; or the power of rule or government.

A good example was given by Minister JB during our weekly radio show. He tells the story of when he was younger, his mother would send him outside to bring his younger siblings in the house. Standing taller and physically stronger than his siblings, he would stand to the door beckoning them at the request of his mother. After a few failed attempts in his frustration, he tells his mom, you know they are not going to listen to me. She told him it was because he did it wrong. She told him that he must say, “mama said….” Feeling defeated and believing it would not work, he went to the door again, beckoning his siblings but using the seemingly magic words, “mama said, come in the house.” Surprisingly and shocked, everyone of his siblings ran into the house without further hesitation. 

He explained that while he had the power, to physically force them into the house, his mother had the authority to cause them to follow instructions. He also noted that by telling the siblings “mama”, the person with the authority had given the instructions, they were also aware that had they not listened to him, they would suffer consequences the same as if she had said the instructions herself. 

There are a few things to note about Power and Authority.

1.    Power can be earned but authority is given.
Take for example a wrestler or heavyweight boxer. There are often examples of their geek to sheik transformations. Years of diet and rigorous exercise and weightlifting leads to muscular frames and super strength. However if small framed, diminutive person can complete a year training sworn in as an officer of the law and be given authority that supersedes the wrestler or boxer.

2.    Power works while present, authority works even in your absence.
Luke chapter ten tells the story of how Jesus gave the 70 workers authority. 
Luk 10:17   And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. Luk 10:18   And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Luk 10:19   Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

They were astounded and said, “even the devils are subject to us through thy name.” Jesus did not go with them when they were sent out, but by the authority given by the name of Jesus they were able to subdue and have power over the evil spirits. It was like saying, “mama said…”

3.    Where does Authority come from?
Authority comes from inheritance. A recent show guest, Bishop Philip London, explained your privilege, authority, and position are different when you are a son versus a servant. He used the example of the prodigal son. When the younger son came back, he wanted to be a servant, but the father only recognized him only as a son. Then the father tells the older son, that everything that he has, the older son has access as well. There was no need to ask, he could at anytime go and get it. Only a servant need ask, but a son could just go and get it. The authority we have, comes through the relationship we have with the Father. When we receive and accept Christ and his work for us, we then become sons, and joint heirs with Christ. What He (Christ) has the ability we do as well.  

4.    When you operate in power you’re limited to your strength. When you operate in authority you are backed by the Father and everything that backs Him.
When a police officer is present, he/she represents not just him/herself, but also the city municipality or county municipality, and if need be state and federal municipalities. If in danger, need or trouble, he/she can call any resource from the city to the federal government to rescue, assist, or provide resources to help resolve any issue. 

Psalms 24:1 tells us that, “the earth’s is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein.” If it all belongs to God and He is our Father, then all of the things in it and available to it are then accessible to us. Every organization, system, government, or anything that operates in the earth or world, has to adjust to accommodate us. 

5. Authority has a specific purpose.
In 2 Corinthians 10:8, Paul writes, “for even if I boast somewhat freely about the authority the Lord gave us for building you up rather than pulling you down, I will not be ashamed of it.” The authority given to use is not for us to beat down, or hoard over, or control others. It is to build up those around us. More importantly it is not something that we should be ashamed of.  

It is our prayer that the people of God understand they have more than power, we have AUTHORITY. With authority we can do more than bully or force a situation or resources. We can speak with authority and have all the systems and circumstances yield to us.  

For more posts http://h23livingeverydaylife.blogspot.com/ or radio show archives http://www.blogtalkradio.com/h23livingeverydaylife .

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Two Sons In The House

Luke 15:1-2; 11-32

The story of the Prodigal Son is a very popular passage of scripture. The Pharisees and scribes were upset about Jesus receiving and eating with sinners. Jesus used the a few examples to try to explain the heart of what he was doing. It is clear that Jesus is explaining through this parable God’s joy of the lost children who repent. But something about the story of the Prodigal son sticks out to me tremendously — there are two sons in the house.

The two sons are contrastingly different.

First there is the young (neo – newer) son. The younger son was obviously adventurous, headstrong, savvy and confident in himself. He fits the typical mold of young people who think they know it all. He was a on a fast track to nowhere but clearly thought with his resources he was on his way to the top of the world. He had big ideas, big dreams, grandiose plans, and the only thing standing between him and his status change was the Father holding on to what was promised to Him. He found pleasure in the lifestyle of another country. Obviously he had to have been exposed to it either from visitors or visits with his father to the foreign country. His primary goal was to get his inheritance, his promise, those things that were to be given to him and consume them with riotous (wildly extravagant, wreckless, licentious, unrestrained, excessive) living.

Then there was the elder (presbyteros - advanced in life) son.  The son who desires to be honorable, pleasing to the father, does his best to follow the customs and rules, adheres to the standard of the father’s house, and finds pleasure in the house. He is the hard worker, faithful, and looks to do the “right way.” You can describe him as the son who has lived a little, experienced some things, and realizes the benefits of the Father and the Father’s house.

There are so many great points to expound upon from this passage, but the one I have learned to appreciate is – there are two sons in the house and BOTH are loved by the Father. Irrespective of experience, actions, mess ups, or get it right, you are LOVED by the Father. So the younger son cannot judge the older, because he acts and responds from a different place. And the older son cannot judge the younger son either, because he acts and responds from a different place also. Neither son is loved more that the other. Both are loved by the Father. Be at peace brothers. There is room for both of you in the Father’s house.

More at http://h23livingeverydaylife.blogspot.com/